Friday, 2 January 2015

New Multiple Aroma & Flavours

Hi Friends!

Wish you a very Happy New Year.

Grains for Health
The piercing chilly winds numb physically, but makes the brain work faster to think of ways and means to keep warm and well-fed. Also, plunging the hands now and then into water while cooking too is best avoided. In such a state, a hot curry and some tandoor fries alongwith HFT multigrain breads is a virtual treat.

Multi-seeds bread loaf exude an earthy flavour rich in their nutrient that are retained in baked breads. Seeds of Flax, Chana, Sunflower, Rye, Jawar, Bajra, Oats, Soya, Sesame are added to the dough of the multigrain flour making the loaves wholesome and attractive to look.

Every bite will have the warmth and taste similar to home made rotis prepared from multigrains. These multi-seed, multi-grain breads are very popular and special choice of many. And this is brought to you by HFT which makes it with its exclusive flourish of expertise.

A multi-seed, multigrain loaf is a wise choice to keep you warm in this winter. Make a 'Healthy' start.

Cheers to winter & the New Year!